Saturday, February 26, 2005


So, here I am hopped up on Thera-flu, Vitamin C, and some Robitussin thrown in for good measure. I'm smoking a Menthol Light deathstick, listening the perpetually velvet throated Patsy Cline and my dear friend Lauren is doing my hair. Strange how these things seem to happen, but I've found myself in a moment. I was reading through CNN and MSNBC, absorbing all of the crazy shit going on in this wonderful world of ours, and a thought struck me. All of this is impermanent. It's all so fluid, so intangible. We live so seriously every day for the most part. There are bills to be paid, relationshps to be maintained, and in some cases children to be reared. Still, I wonder if maybe sometimes we tend to take our lives a little too seriosly in our quest to live life the way we think it should be lived. The way that society dictates, the way our parents taught us to even.
I don't know about you, but sometimes I forget the true nature of this life I've been given. I get so carried away with detail detail details and totally forget that there is more to life.
I am swimming, but what am I swimming to?
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we should shirk our responsibilities or ignore what we should be paying attention to. I am just saying that sometimes it pays to step back, take a deep breath, and look at things through the eyes of impermanence.

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