Saturday, December 25, 2004

wIsh me luck

Well, flying out to California. On Christmas day no less.......

Thursday, December 16, 2004

No, no, NO!

ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- The board of a St. Louis charter school on Wednesday placed a principal on leave after he had police handcuff a 5 year old and drive him around the block in a squad car to curb his unruly behavior.

Oh. dear. god.

"Principal Sam Morgan is on leave from Thurgood Marshall Academy pending an investigation into last month's incident, board attorney Wayne Harvey said.Morgan said he had police "put the handcuffs on one arm, put him in the back seat of their car and drive him around a little bit.""

And the police actually did this????? And with no permission slip..... Wonder if THE ENFORCER gave the cops a couple extra bucks to rough the kid up a little. You know, as long as there's no bruises?

There you have it folks, Missouri tax dollars hard at work. Save a criminal, arrest a toddler. Holy fuck.

BE THE COOLEST KID ON YOUR BLOCK, sign up for the official Missouri Squad Car tour.
Think about it, they could generate some serious revenue.

"Morgan added: "This kid is heading for the Department of Corrections at 5. He fights, strikes somebody practically every day on the bus. He's a constant disruption.""

HOW ABOUT SOME COUNSELLING, shithead? You know, maybe a little parent-teacher conference? Who lets these people work with kids?

On second thought, why not just throw the kid in the electric chair now and save some room on Death Row!

Saturday, December 11, 2004


Ok. I admit it. I am Scrooge incarnate.
Oh, to count all the ways I detest the Christmas "holiday". It's bad enough that virtually any public place I venture into during the middle of November already has Christmas crap up, but then I'm subjected to endlessly looping holiday themes as I make my way through furrows of lost looking parents with their screaming kids. To me, those shitty holiday songs are the B-Movies of the Music world. I don't know about you but Elvis's "Blue Christmas" makes me want to puke up what little holiday cheer I've inadvertently retained. Oh, and don't even get me started on the barking dog version of "Jingle Bells". Whose idea was that piece of crap?
Happily enought though, I have sought and stumbled upon refuge in the form of Monty Python's "Ho Ho Fu#k&ng Ho". Good old Monty!
I would have to say my biggest beef with Christmas is blatent commercialism. Holy hell what is the point? More latent house crap anyone?
Ever gotten a gift that you pawn off on another unsuspecting soul? Like the cashmere sweater episode of Seinfeld. Now that's holiday entertainment!
Well, if you'll excuse me I have to go watch all of the Home Alone movies consecutively to completely anhiliate any trace of a Christmas buzz. Make sure it's good and dead.
By the way, yes I would be that guy on the block who doesn't put lights up! Haha! Suckers!! Wait till you get the bill......