Friday, September 24, 2004

All things Bright and Beautiful

Oh my gosh, it's Friday! I feel dizzy like a hippie at the height of the Haight-Ashbury psychedelesis! And yes, I think I just made that word up!
I have been bummed lately. If I may use that word, bummed. It honestly doesn't describe how I have felt given the current trajectory of the world at large. If you've read any of my previous posts you know of my affinity for sweeping the news every day, devouring the latest details of day-to-day developments. And maybe it is because the media largely only notes those things of morose quality, but I have been pretty disappointed with what I have seen.
I have been sad and sickened by the "hostage" situation in Iraq. Honestly, people, would any true God really want us to cut off our brother's heads to prove a point? And when it comes down to it, we really are all brothers in humanity here. Yes, we are at war. Yes, your country was "invaded".Yes, innocent people have died at the hands of all parties involved, but to kill for the sake of killing is purely animalistic. Our God did not give us free will for this sort of thing.
Given, anyone could say that those taken hostage did not belong there in the first place. But personally, I think that they have just as much right to be in Iraq working for whatever reason as those citizens from Iraq who have naturalized to the U.S. have the right to be here. Fight the war with those who are there to fight it and leave those who aren't party to it alone. People are detained. Civilian casualties happen in war. And like it or not, our countries are at war! No amount of frivolous decapitaiton is going to change that.
So, if you have ready this far, know that I am not a political person. And if this pissed you off, good for you. Means your brain is working and you are ahead of the power curve. Congrats on that.
In no way is any of this meant to make light of a very serious situation. My heart goes out to the families of those lost, and also to the masked men who have chosen to commit such heinous acts. May the Lord, (WHOEVER he/she/it is) be far more merciful than you when it comes your time.

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