Thursday, September 16, 2004

More blogging fun!

Hey folks, sorry it's been so damn long. What can I say, I had better things to do! What, you may ask could be more important than blogging? Well, I am officially now a "college chick". Imagine that! Yes, I managed to make it into a University, Hawaii Pacific University to be exact. My classes start October 4th.
I wasn't sure what Major to pick. How in the hell should I know? If my life has changed as much as it has in the past few years, how can I honestly say what I want to be qualified to do in four years (maybe more)?
So, I guess you could say that I bit the bullet and put down Social Work. Screw it. Sounds good to me.
If you have no idea what you are doing, I say fake it. It's always worked for me, and it usually produces some interesting results.( It could also explain why I got left in Nevada two years in a row.....)
I think that's the beauty of higher education. You can keep on going until you run out of money, and learn to practice more than one profession.Or you can just never stop going. Or you can pay god awful amounts of cash to learn to be something and never actually do it. It's all up to you!
So, I am excited.
After all of my bitching about my job I have decided to stay on part time. Consider this equation : Some money = better than no money. It pays pretty good for Hawaii and for some reason they seem to like me.Go figger. I guess you really CAN fool some of the people some of the time. (You still can't pick your friend's nose though).
So, life is panning out, slowly but surely.
Oh, yeah. I adopted an Ethiopian kid through some place called Compassion Minstries. I now pay child support every month.It's kind of funny to me. He's cute, though, and if it helps, great. I probably would have spent the money at the bar anyway. Or on Jeep accessories.
So, anyway, I'm sorry for neglecting you. Really. =P More later. For now, just relax and digest.

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