Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- Suspected Marxist rebels massacred 16 peasants, including women and children, in a remote area in lawless Arauca province, police said Saturday.

"The attack came last Friday less than an hour before the New Year arrived in the village of Puerto San Salvador, 230 miles northeast of Bogota, Arauca police chief Col. Rodrigo Palacio told The Associated Press.

He said the killers, believed to be members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, accused the peasants of collaborating with right-wing paramilitary militias. The dead included six men, six women and four children."..........

Could we expect anything less from a group named the FARC??

I made it back from California in good condition. A little hung over but no worse for the wear. By the way, I highly recommend DayQuil or it's cheaper equivalent to combat a hang-over. But you didn't hear that from me cos' I ain't one to gossip.

Gears are turning in this mind of mine. Be back soon.

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